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About Addimmune
Addimmune’s sole purpose is to cure HIV. We believe it’s possible with gene and cell therapy.
Available from
1:30 PM
4:00 PM
+1 301-337-2108
Addimmune is a Rockville, Maryland-based, clinical-stage cell and gene therapy company with a line of sight on a functional HIV cure. We have completed a successful FDA-approved Phase I human clinical trial with no serious adverse events and have shown blood markers of efficacy in all seven treated trial participants. An IRB-approved treatment interruption protocol demonstrated the reconstitution of the immune systems of the six who consented to participate. A $50M capital raise is being undertaken in conjunction with 10X Capital, our Wall Street partners with whom we plan a public transaction via de-SPAC in Q1 of next year, to fund our next phase human clinical trial also to begin in Q1 of 2024.